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Indeed, Allah chose Adam, Noah, the family of Abraham, and the family of ’Imrân above all people ˹of their time˺.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Indeed, Allah chose Adam and Noah and the family of Abraham and the family of ʿImrān over the worlds -

— Saheeh International


They are descendants of one another. And Allah is All-Hearing, All-Knowing.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Descendants, some of them from others. And Allah is Hearing and Knowing.

— Saheeh International


˹Remember˺ when the wife of ’Imrân said, “My Lord! I dedicate what is in my womb entirely to Your service,1 so accept it from me. You ˹alone˺ are truly the All-Hearing, All-Knowing.”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

[Mention, O Muḥammad], when the wife of ʿImrān said, "My Lord, indeed I have pledged to You what is in my womb, consecrated [for Your service], so accept this from me. Indeed, You are the Hearing, the Knowing."

— Saheeh International


When she delivered, she said, “My Lord! I have given birth to a girl,”—and Allah fully knew what she had delivered—“and the male is not like the female.1 I have named her Mary, and I seek Your protection for her and her offspring from Satan, the accursed.”2

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

But when she delivered her, she said, "My Lord, I have delivered a female." And Allah was most knowing of what she delivered, and the male is not like the female. "And I have named her Mary, and I seek refuge for her in You and [for] her descendants from Satan, the expelled [from the mercy of Allah]."

— Saheeh International

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So her Lord accepted her graciously and blessed her with a pleasant upbringing—entrusting her to the care of Zachariah. Whenever Zachariah visited her in the sanctuary, he found her supplied with provisions. He exclaimed, “O Mary! Where did this come from?” She replied, “It is from Allah. Surely Allah provides for whoever He wills without limit.”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

So her Lord accepted her with good acceptance and caused her to grow in a good manner and put her in the care of Zechariah. Every time Zechariah entered upon her in the prayer chamber, he found with her provision. He said, "O Mary, from where is this [coming] to you?" She said, "It is from Allah. Indeed, Allah provides for whom He wills without account."

— Saheeh International

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Then and there Zachariah prayed to his Lord, saying, “My Lord! Grant me—by your grace—righteous offspring. You are certainly the Hearer of ˹all˺ prayers.”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

At that, Zechariah called upon his Lord, saying, "My Lord, grant me from Yourself a good offspring. Indeed, You are the Hearer of supplication."

— Saheeh International

So the angels called out to him while he stood praying in the sanctuary, “Allah gives you good news of ˹the birth of˺ John who will confirm the Word of Allah and will be a great leader, chaste, and a prophet among the righteous.”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

So the angels called him while he was standing in prayer in the chamber, "Indeed, Allah gives you good tidings of John, confirming a word1 from Allah and [who will be] honorable, abstaining [from women], and a prophet from among the righteous."

— Saheeh International

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Zachariah exclaimed, “My Lord! How can I have a son when I am very old and my wife is barren?” He replied, “So will it be. Allah does what He wills.”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

He said, "My Lord, how will I have a boy when I have reached old age and my wife is barren?" He [the angel] said, "Such is Allah; He does what He wills."

— Saheeh International

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Zachariah said, “My Lord! Grant me a sign.” He said, “Your sign is that you will not ˹be able to˺ speak to people for three days except through gestures. Remember your Lord often and glorify ˹Him˺ morning and evening.”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

He said, "My Lord, make for me a sign." He said, "Your sign is that you will not [be able to] speak to the people for three days except by gesture. And remember your Lord much and exalt [Him with praise] in the evening and the morning."

— Saheeh International

And ˹remember˺ when the angels said, “O Mary! Surely Allah has selected you, purified you, and chosen you over all women of the world.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And [mention] when the angels said, "O Mary, indeed Allah has chosen you and purified you and chosen you above the women of the worlds.

— Saheeh International

O  Mary! Be devout to your Lord, prostrate yourself ˹in prayer˺ and bow along with those who bow down.”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

O Mary, be devoutly obedient to your Lord and prostrate and bow with those who bow [in prayer]."

— Saheeh International



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