
ﭡﭢ ﭦﭧ ﭪﭫ

That is how We caused them to be discovered so that their people might know that Allah’s promise ˹of resurrection˺ is true and that there is no doubt about the Hour.1 When the people disputed with each other about the case of the youth ˹after their death˺,2 some proposed, “Build a structure around them. Their Lord knows best about them.” Those who prevailed in the matter said, “We will surely build a place of worship over them.”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And similarly, We caused them to be found that they [who found them] would know that the promise of Allah is truth and that of the Hour there is no doubt. [That was] when they1 disputed among themselves about their affair and [then] said, "Construct over them a structure. Their Lord is most knowing about them." Said those who prevailed in the matter, "We will surely take [for ourselves] over them a masjid."2

— Saheeh International

ﭾﭿ ﮃﮄ ﮌﮍ

Some will say, “They were three, their dog was the fourth,” while others will say, “They were five, their dog was the sixth,” ˹only˺ guessing blindly. And others will say, “They were seven and their dog was the eighth.” Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “My Lord knows best their ˹exact˺ number. Only a few people know as well.” So do not argue about them except with sure knowledge,1 nor consult any of those ˹who debate˺ about them.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

They [i.e., people] will say there were three, the fourth of them being their dog; and they will say there were five, the sixth of them being their dog - guessing at the unseen; and they will say there were seven, and the eighth of them was their dog. Say, [O Muḥammad], "My Lord is most knowing of their number. None knows them except a few. So do not argue about them except with an obvious argument1 and do not inquire about them among [the speculators] from anyone."

— Saheeh International

And never say of anything, “I will definitely do this tomorrow,”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And never say of anything, "Indeed, I will do that tomorrow,"

— Saheeh International


without adding, “if Allah so wills!” But if you forget, then remember your Lord, and say, “I trust my Lord will guide me to what is more right than this.”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Except [when adding], "If Allah wills." And remember your Lord when you forget [it] and say, "Perhaps my Lord will guide me to what is nearer than this to right conduct."

— Saheeh International

They had remained in their cave for three hundred years, adding nine.1

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And they remained in their cave for three hundred years and exceeded by nine.1

— Saheeh International

ﯣﯤ ﯨﯩ ﯬﯭ

Say, ˹O Prophet,˺ “Allah knows best how long they stayed. With Him ˹alone˺ is ˹the knowledge of˺ the unseen of the heavens and the earth. How perfectly He hears and sees! They have no guardian besides Him, and He shares His command with none.”

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

Say, "Allah is most knowing of how long they remained. He has [knowledge of] the unseen [aspects] of the heavens and the earth. How Seeing is He and how Hearing! They have not besides Him any protector, and He shares not His legislation with anyone."

— Saheeh International

ﯿ ﰀﰁ

Recite what has been revealed to you from the Book of your Lord. None can change His Words, nor can you find any refuge besides Him.

— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran

And recite, [O Muḥammad], what has been revealed to you of the Book of your Lord. There is no changer of His words, and never will you find in other than Him a refuge.

— Saheeh International



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