And why should Allah not punish them while they hinder pilgrims from the Sacred Mosque, claiming to be its rightful guardians? None has the right to guardianship except those mindful ˹of Allah˺, but most pagans do not know.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
But why should Allah not punish them while they obstruct [people] from al-Masjid al-Ḥarām and they were not [fit to be] its guardians? Its [true] guardians are not but the righteous, but most of them do not know.
— Saheeh International
Their prayer at the Sacred House was nothing but whistling and clapping. So taste the punishment for your disbelief.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
And their prayer at the House [i.e., the Kaʿbah] was not except whistling and handclapping. So taste the punishment for what you disbelieved [i.e., practiced of deviations].
— Saheeh International
Surely the disbelievers spend their wealth to hinder others from the Path of Allah. They will continue to spend to the point of regret. Then they will be defeated and the disbelievers will be driven into Hell,
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
Indeed, those who disbelieve spend their wealth to avert [people] from the way of Allah. So they will spend it; then it will be for them a [source of] regret; then they will be overcome. And those who have disbelieved - unto Hell they will be gathered.
— Saheeh International
so Allah may separate the evil from the good. He will pile up the evil ones all together and then cast them into Hell. They are the ˹true˺ losers.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
[It is] so that Allah may distinguish the wicked from the good and place the wicked some of them upon others and heap them all together and put them into Hell. It is those who are the losers.
— Saheeh International
Tell the disbelievers that if they desist, their past will be forgiven. But if they persist, then they have an example in those destroyed before them.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
Say to those who have disbelieved [that] if they cease, what has previously occurred will be forgiven for them. But if they return [to hostility] - then the precedent of the former [rebellious] peoples has already taken place.1
— Saheeh International
Fight against them until there is no more persecution—and ˹your˺ devotion will be entirely to Allah. But if they desist, then surely Allah is All-Seeing of what they do.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
And fight against them until there is no fitnah1 and [until] the religion [i.e., worship], all of it, is for Allah.2 And if they cease - then indeed, Allah is Seeing of what they do.
— Saheeh International
And if they do not comply, then know that Allah is your Protector. What an excellent Protector, and what an excellent Helper!
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
But if they turn away - then know that Allah is your protector. Excellent is the protector, and excellent is the helper.
— Saheeh International
Know that whatever spoils you take, one-fifth is for Allah and the Messenger, his close relatives, orphans, the poor, and ˹needy˺ travellers, if you ˹truly˺ believe in Allah and what We revealed to Our servant on that decisive day when the two armies met ˹at Badr˺. And Allah is Most Capable of everything.
— Dr. Mustafa Khattab, the Clear Quran
And know that anything you obtain of war booty - then indeed, for Allah is one fifth of it and for the Messenger1 and for [his] near relatives2 and the orphans, the needy, and the [stranded] traveler,3 if you have believed in Allah and in that which We sent down to Our Servant4 on the day of criterion [i.e., decisive encounter] - the day when the two armies met [at Badr]. And Allah, over all things, is competent.
— Saheeh International